
New On The Bar - Vinchaug Cocktail - Berlin Bar, Melbourne

Whether you’re coming into winter or just coming out, a hot cocktail can be just perfect, so Daniel Brian from Berlin Bar shows us their Vinchaug Cocktail.

By: Tiff Christie|September 20,2019

There is nothing better on a cold winters night than a drink that’s hot and boozy. No matter whether you are having a quiet night at home, putting on a party or exploring the great outdoors, hot cocktails will remind you why cold weather can be wonderful too.

But today we’re not talking about just any hot cocktail, today we are talking about the Vinchaug Cocktail from Berlin Bar in Melbourne, that not only easy to make but also easy to partially batch.

And that’s the secret with hot cocktails. If it’s cold enough to heat your booze, you want something that easy, quick and boozy enough to make that little bit of effort just so worthwhile.

And that’s exactly what Daniel Brian from Berlin has made for us. “If you’ve tried mulled wine, you’re definitely in that same ballpark,” he said.

“The great thing about the Vinchaug Cocktail is that it’s richer and more caramel-y,” he continued. “It almost has a sort of treacle-y flavours in there. It’s very warming, as well. So not just because of the heat, because of the flavour of the drink as well.”

What gives the drink its flavour is the combination of rums that are used. Using both Plantations Old-Fashioned Traditional Dark Rum and their Original Dark Rum brings out the rich flavours of the drink.

“Although rum’s quite sweet naturally,” Brian explained, “with these sort of dark rums, we need something else to kind of support it and bring some more sweetness to the drink.”


And that is where the Chestnut Orgreat that the bar makes, comes into play. Brian points out that all you have to do to make it is mash or process the Chestnut, add water and soak overnight. Strain through a cheesecloth and to the liquid add sugar and water.

“Once you’ve done that add it to the Shiraz, the rums, some spices and a dash of chilli tincture and you’ve got a drink that will definitely see you through the cold.”

Vinchaug Cocktail

For batch

  • 60mls (2oz)House Shiraz,
  • 20mls (0.7oz) Plantation Original Dark
  • 10mls (0.2oz) Plantation Old-Fashioned Traditional Dark Rum


  • 15mls (0.5oz) Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 40mls (1.2oz) Chestnut Orgeat
  • Half a jigger of mixed spices – Star Anise, peppercorn, Nutmeg & Mustard seeds.
  • A dash of Chilli Tincture


Add everything to a small saucepan and heat until it just reaches a boil. Pour into a teacup and garnish with two star anise.

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New On The Bar - Vinchaug Cocktail - Berlin Bar, Melbourne

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